Is there any better use for the internet than bad jokes? Have a look at these and decide yourself I guess! (Disclaimer: some may be less funny than others)

The Emoji Personality Test
Who are you? (2022)

A bad joke about NFTs (2022)

Counting Alphabetically
From 0 to 1000 (2021)

Words From Earth
Unattributed quotes (2018)

A Careless Whisper
What is the Internet? (2018)

Scrolling for a new age (2018)

An archive of christmas sketches (2016-2019)

War Cries
Campaign slogans for US elections (2017)

No Man is an Island
Deep truths (2017)
Inhabit Instagram as a box with no exit (2016)

99 poodles
Sorry Jay Z (2016)

Do fairies exist?
A baby teaching aid (2013)

A primitive drawing tool (2013)

Tea leaves for the digital age (2012)

The Beach
Watch out for waves (2012)

Two Clocks
Because no one wears watches anymore (2011)