More websites
This is an additional collection of work I've done on the internet. Some of the websites I've designed and built myself, and some are a collaboration with others.
EMI Records
Working directly with the client at Universal Music Group, I made the website for EMI Records to showcase the artists and albums released under the label.
The client supplied JPEGs of the static designs for the desktop layout and I interpreted these into a full website, whilst adding the motion design aspect myself.
- Designed in collaboration with the client
While working at Bakken & Bæck I built the first iteration of the På(fyll) website, an ecommerce platform for buying home products in a refillable container. This involved working closely with a designer and a backend engineer.
Jess Koppel
A portfolio for a food photographer
A Dictionary of Color Combinations
An online interpretation of Sanzo Wada's influential book "A Dictionary of Color Combinations"
A small webtoy to show off all the sticker designs Here created for the cannabis seed company Seedsman
Audium Post Production
A portfolio for a post production collective.
Master Pieces
An online jigsaw puzzle game using paintings and an API from the Rijkmuseum
Tom Rosenthal
Portfolio for the musician.
Mathias Nielsen
Website for a composer featuring a custom audio player.

A portfolio for my own collage work
Benjamin Elwyn
My own personal photography portfolio.

Archived portfolio
My previous portfolio for the web